Domain Sale

Domain Name: Notes:
Purchased On: 12-May-16 It’s the day payment has been debited from the bank account of the buyer
Sold On: 12-Jul-16 It’s the day payment has been credited into the bank account of the seller
Sold At: Private Direct contact based on who is
Purchase Price: 3 USD Hand Registration
Sale Price: 800 USD
Profit: 797 USD
Number of Days: 62 From the time purchased to the time its sold and amount credited into the bank account
ROI Percentage: 156,400 ROI % Per Year

What’s so special of

Kanniya Kumari  ( Formerly /Popularly known as KanyaKumari) is a coastal town in the state of Tamil Nadu on India’s southern tip. Jutting into the Laccadive Sea, the town was known as Cape Comorin during British rule and is popular for watching sunrise and sunset over the ocean

Kanya Kumari has been recently renamed ( I believe around 14th May 2016)  to Kanniya kumari,  seller has seized the same opportunity by registering the domain name and buyer also extremely smart to  acquire this name for such a reasonable price.  Congratulations to the buyer and seller 🙂


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